Two Little Pills Can Change Everything

When water is destroying your life instead of keeping you afloat.

Zach J. Payne
9 min readJan 15, 2020


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Somewhere around late October, my body decided to crap out.

It was completely unexpected, considering that I had been doing so much better, health-wise. I’d started my diet, 77 pounds in the two months prior, and was starting to honestly feel better.

The water started sneaking up on me.

I didn’t notice until the day after my birthday, when I got in the car to drive to a doctor’s appointment, in Erie — about a 90 minute drive. It was time for my monthly check-in with the bariatric surgeon, so it was an appointment I was motivated to get to. I got behind the wheel, and I noticed that my right leg couldn’t reach the pedals right. There wasn’t enough space.

So I made sure that the seat was all the way back (it was), and I set off, anyway. I barely made it around the corner before I realized that I couldn’t drive like this. My reaction times were off, my placement was off. It would be too easy to make a mistake that could get somebody hurt.

So I went back home.

My leg was definitely messed up.

But, what you have to understand is, my leg is always messed up.

