Writer’s Log #5

For the morbidly curious and the mildly bored.

Zach J. Payne
3 min readMay 9, 2019


You’ll notice that there isn’t a writer’s log for yesterday. Yes, I suck at habit-forming crap.

What do we say to the God of Death? Je m’en fous.

Anyway, I learned that if I don’t start this thing in the morning and keep adding to it throughout the day, that I’m never going to start writing it right before I go to bed.

So there you go. You knew I was a screw-up going into this whole thing, right? But the fact remains: you will never know what I did on May 7, 2019. Unless you check my very public Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram or read my Medium post.

So, anyway, on to today.

I spent a good chunk of the morning dealing with my investment/savings app. They recently started offering a debit card that gives you a small percentage of stock back on each purchase. So, naturally, I want to move all my money there before I start spending it there.

Long story short, my entire Medium payment for last month — almost $600 — is sitting in bank limbo, unable to be transferred to the investment’s debit account because it was recently (within the last 5 business days) transferred into the investment account.

I hate banks. I hate banks with all of my fucking heart.

When it comes to taking your money, they can do it 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, poof! It’s gone instantaneously.

When it comes to accessing your own money, they start breaking out the “5–7 business days, we have to wait, we’re going to put all kind of nonsense holds on your money just because we can and you can’t do anything about it, all you can do is sit there and bear it or go to a bank that’s just as bad as us” nonsense. Funny, that.

Goddamn capitalists.

I did some social media scrolling, before breaking out the ukulele and spending a little bit of time butchering Fleetwood Mac, Taylor Swift, and the Beach Boys.

